Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Last Night

Last night was really difficult for me, had real bad insomnia, it was just driving me nuts! I thought some more about my cousin's suggestion that I just scream into a pillow at night if I'm feeling this way. Well, I couldn't get myself to scream, but I did talk into a pillow. I held and cradled the pillow as if I was holding myself as a baby, and just talked to the-baby-that-was-me and comforted him and rocked him back and forth and told him how much I love him and that I know how difficult it is and that I will never leave him and I will protect him and love him. This helped improve my mood a lot, but it still wasn't until like after 3 am that I actually fell asleep. I need to connect with my inner child and continue to develop that self-love and my self-parenting skills.

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