Friday, March 28, 2003

Good times, bad times....

Well, the wedding was a great success! I was the best man, and even with my trembling anxiety and disorientation, I was able to stand as best man and even made the traditional best man toast/speech at the dinner reception! (pat myself on the back) and the wedding was very moving, the bride and groom and the preacher or whatever you call him all made very emotional, sincere and moving statements. I'm very proud of my friend and myself, and I wish them both the best in the future.

This entire morning I had really bad dizzy panic/anxiety, I just wanted my dad to drive me back home to my comfort zone so bad, but I knew that was just the anxiety talking.

So, I made my dad and I go for a walk and go out for lunch, and I feel a lot better! I'm finding that even if I'm really dizzy, going out and getting some exercise, breathing the fresh air and looking at the beautiful nature (what's left of it between the apartments and such) really makes the dizziness go away!

So there's ups, there's downs, but I'm learning to cope and stretch myself.

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