Monday, April 14, 2003

Traumatic weekend

Yesterday I hit bottom really hard. I had my family take me to a mental hospital because I didn't feel in control of myself. But in the end, the admitting nurse said that there's no reason for me to be there, it would just cost a thousand bucks a day and add a financial worry to my depression, so he told me to just have faith in God and have faith that I'll find the right medicine, that sometimes it takes going through 15 different medicines before you find one that's dialed in just for you. He knew my doctor and had a lot of faith in him, and he said he would pray for me.

So, I cam home feeling a little less depressed, but I'm still sick as a dog feeling nauseous with diarrhea and all that, so sick that I've been spending most of my days sleeping to avoid the pain. I wish I could stray away from the bathroom long enough to go out and get some exercise, but that will have to wait.

I'll make it, I've just had a setback, and I'm starting to gain some faith again that eventually I will find a cure.

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