Wednesday, June 25, 2003

On the road

This evening I'm leaving for a trip to Las Vegas, I'm going to be driving myself, which should be easier... My anxiety is kind of odd, very different from most people's, in that I feel safer driving myself than when someone else is driving.

Anyway, I'm using this trip as a catalyst to boost my positive self-dialog. Friday, my father and I will take part in an off-road truck race from Las Vegas to Reno, Nevada. We won't be racing ourselves, but we'll be one of the chase vehicles for the trip. It should be very exciting, along the way I'll be in the passenger seat of my dad's truck collecting data and putting it into the laptop. The Race will take most of the day.

It's going to be difficult for my with my anxiety and panic though, because it means waking up very early, and mornings are always my worst times for panic, and secondly, it means I'll more or less be trapped inside a car with someone else driving for a whole day with little chances to stop... That's going to be very tough for me. I know I'll make it, it's just going to be really stressful, but at the same time it will be interesting and exciting.

I'll be traveling during the late evening on the way from Bakersfield to Vegas, and I'm hoping that the timing will be such that when I'm traveling through the southern edge of death valley, the sun will have gone completely down, so that I can stop off the side of the road and see what the stars look like from way out in the middle of nowhere. Looking at the stars usually brightens my mood.

So, you may not see me post again for a few days or so.

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