Friday, January 02, 2004

It's the new year

Well it's the new year... and my resolution is... nothing! Just to not set my expectations, to roll with the punches, and not pretend like I can predict the future.

I saw a clip of the fireworks in Sydney, Australia, boy do they know how to put on a show.

I'm trying to use compassionate self dialog as usual to keep my emotions in balance. I've had some curve balls thrown at me again with regards to my medical benefits, it's like every time I think I've got it kind of sorted out there's some new wrinkle to smooth out or I find out I don't have as much coverage as I thought I did... but I'm trying to roll with the punches, turn negatives into positives. Like when I never got my HMO card, and I called them to find out why, and they told me I'm not qualified for an HMO.. after I had spent a long time talking with people and filling out forms and assurances that I would get my card soon... but I turned that negative into a postive, by not having an HMO, I'm not bound by having to get referals to my doctors, should be less hassle, and the HMO doesn't cover mental health services, anyway, so good riddance to them! :)
(Of course, it wasn't quite that easy, they really ticked me off, but I'm over it)

Now the trick I'm trying to figure out is which of my medicines is covered under my plan, which aren't, so I can plan my budget, I'm going to call the clinic and the pharmacy tomorrow and try to get that sorted out, then in another week and a half I'll see my psychiatrist and maybe we can figure out what testing options are covered.

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