Monday, January 19, 2004

Depression city

I'm feeling pretty under the weather for the past couple days, and very depressed. It seems like I'm just depressed about the whole human condition. I've been having a lot of negative inner dialog, with little desire to change things. I find myself thinking "What's the point?" a lot lately.

My joints are feeling pretty achy, perhaps I have a cold. I've been sleeping a lot, tired all the time, although wishing I couldn't sleep because I seem to always have bad dreams... not nightmares, just not good ones. I am once again missing the ability to have lucid dream control that I had in my teens, but I don't seem to be able to muster up the energy to try and re-teach myself how to do that. It seems tied to the same reasons that I don't want to take care of myself or my hygeine.

I have a busy week for me, and I can already hear the negative thinking, setting myself up to make simple things hard. I see my therapist tomorrow, and I see my new insurance-approved doctor the next day to try and get approval for my MRI. I also have to go to the DMV and find out how much they are going to rip me off for new tags for my license plates. And there's a bunch of other little errands I have to do, but I'm dreading them, I'm dreading the driving, dreading the knowing that I'll be dead tired during the times that I have to do these things.

I'm still not exercising as much as I should, but I am taking my vitamins and supplements like I used to, but they don't seem to help as much as they once did, but I've only been taking them for about a week.

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