Friday, January 16, 2004

Bad dreams

I've been having bad dreams... well the dreams themselves aren't all that bad, it's the feeling that I get when I wake up from them that's bad. I've been dreaming of old friends, lost aquiantences, etc., and when I awake I'm left with a depression, a loneliness, and a feeling that I have dissapointed those people.

It takes a few hours, as usual to get over these feelings. Thinking about it now, it seems obvious I should look back and tell myself about all the accomplishments I have achieved in the past.

I'm still, as always, having some trouble doing the little things, like taking care of my own hygeine and such, I really need to clean my room, take a shower and put on a clean set of clothes, and go for a walk for some exercise, but I don't feel like it.

At least I found a way to scrounge up some money to get a month's worth of my vitamins and supplements, that should help me feel physically better, and should help to ward off the winter colds.

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