Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Assertiveness, something I need to learn a little more about.

Many people in my life, especially when I was younger (mostly friends) told me I need to be more assertive. I have learned to be a little more assertive, but I just started reading a book called Your Perfect Right: Assertiveness and Equality in Your Life and Relationships (Eighth Edition)

So far I really like it and the approach the book takes. Here's a quote from the opening chapter:

" Changing yourself is challenging, and not easy, but you can do it, and we'll show you how. This book offers you a proven step-by-step method - assertiveness training - for improving your relationships with others. If you'll follow it, we're confident it can work for you. Millions of folks have learned to express themselves more effectively and achieve more of their life goals using these procedures.

If you're looking for lessons in how to manipulate others, you're reading the wrong book. We believe there's too much of that in the world already.

The book is in the 8th edition, has become a bestseller and is used by many companies and therapists, I'm eager to finish the book and see if I've got what it takes to follow through on what they offer.

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