Friday, June 25, 2004

Feeling better

Doing better today. My sense of time is still a little off, but everything else seems to be going better. My therapist, like my old therapist, is urging me to look into going back to college. I'm scared about doing that, because it would mean asking my family for even more support, but after talking to my dad and my aunt, they're at least supportive of me trying to give it a shot. So, unless my mood tanks, I'll try to get an appointment with an admissions counselor next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear David:

You should read the book
"Minding the Body, Mending the Mind." I have suffered on and off with panic attacks and depression for 10 years. I was unable to drive my car for almost four years. I changed my outlook on life, believed in myself, and I am doing much better now. This book helped me re-think things.

Jeanne :)