Monday, November 03, 2003

It just keeps getting worse

I went again to the welfare office to fight for my disability insurance and it just keeps turning into a more complex nightmare. It's like thheyre tying to make things impossible for me to get the help i need. i m having a hard time thinkng now. i can't my cognitive abilitise are geting eeker. im fighting it trying to sabe mysefl but oh my it hurts i don't know howmubh longer i have leftr. i'm dying i think i whoulhd rigt a will to make things easier in case i can't make it. i try to read the forms they want me to do but i cant make rel sense of them. i don't deserve this im fighting i dont remember things im trying to make it eaiser on everyone else and pretend as much as i kan byt im slipping. i never imagined it could et so much worse i though twen i swa lockede in a lostet tremblin that it was the worst but now that seems liikke a nice day now. i think i should wrap some things up, but i don't think anybody really cares if i do or not exceept for my family and a few people who only exsit in cyberspace.

i'm sorry it s har dofr peple trying to hep me. when something is wrong with bain it is hard for people to understand who want to help and its hard to explain whats arong.

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