Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Haha! I told you so! - Study: Playing video games not so mindless - May. 28, 2003
Researchers at the University of Rochester found that young adults who regularly played video games full of high-speed car chases and blazing gun battles showed better visual skills than those who did not. For example, they kept better track of objects appearing simultaneously and processed fast-changing visual information more efficiently.

HAHA! I knew all that time I spent playing Doom and Quake had to be doing me some good! But on a more serious note, playing these fast-paced "violent" games is a great way to distract myself from all of my anxiety and depression while boosting my self-esteem a little bit and also improving my hand-eye coordination. Not to mention that making those games work on my computer keeps me up to date on all my computer skills, whithout which I wouldn't have had that nice cushy career I had prior to becoming disabled.

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