Thursday, February 20, 2003

Insight into my OCD

I just had a minor insight regarding the obsessive-compulsive component of my anxiety disorder. I've been emailing my therapist about OCD, I wasn't convinced that I have real OCD because I don't engage in any rituals. At least not physical ones, like washing hands ten times in a row or anything like that. But he encouraged me to take a look at the inner rituals, that is, am I doing any mental gymnasitcs because that can be a symptom.

I think I found it.

I talk to people in my head. I'm always trying to explain things to people in my head. Sometimes it gets so bad I don't know if I've had a real conversation with them or not, because I'm always talking to people in my head. This has caused problems for me in the past, because I'll think I've told somebody something important when in reality I haven't.

I just got done having a, let's call it a "virtual" conversation in my head, trying to explain how disabling my disorder is to people, who don't really understand the severity of my dysfunction, and trying to get my cousin and my therapist to intervene and explain things to people so somebody doesn't try and tell me things like "Just take a shower so you don't smell, you have to do it". Or "Finances are really tough we can't support you so you need to get a job." Or "Just snap out of it."

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